Rod Moon To All Instructors
Rod Moon earned his degree from Syracuse University. He was a US Army helicopter pilot during the Vietnam War. He and his wife home schooled their eight children. After thirty years as an automotive industry sales engineer, he started teaching. Joining Homeschool Connections in 2009. His courses include math, science, history, critical thinking, and business. Mr. Moon is the author of seventeen books available on Some of his students have been helped by him to publish their own books. Inspiring students makes his day.
Current Classes
American History (W25-RT-HS) – (open)
Archaeology (W25-CL-MS) – (open)
Archaeology (W25-RT-MS/HS) – (open)
Economics (W25-CL-HS) – (open)
Economics (W25-RT-HS) – (open)
Meteorology (W25-BR-MS/HS) – (open)
Personal Finance B (W25-CL-HS) – (open)
Tesla vs. Edison (W25-BR-MS/HS) – (open)
The History of War (W25-RT-HS) – (open)
World History (W25-BR-MS/HS) – (open)